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What a difference a bulb can makes.

Published: Jun 21, 2012

What the difference a bulb makes. You may remember the swiftly taken shots of my early ’90’s Masastrict Treaty leaflet. These were quickly shot under regular incandescent bulbs (1880’s) close to a daylight source 3ft x 5’5″ window. I really shouldn’t have bothered.

Regular incandescent bulb

Regular incandescent bulb

Regular incandescent bulb

& what self respecting designer, artist, crafts person hasn’t owned an incandescent blue daylight bulb at some time during their career. Usually a brief, encounter they are notoriously delicate. There is always an exception and an aunt of mine, oils painter & cottage crafts, has boasted having at least one last over a year.

Incandescent Art & craft Daylight bulbs (blue) not full spectrum

Incandescent Art & craft Daylight bulbs (blue) not full spectrum

Incandescent Art & craft Daylight bulbs (blue) not full spectrum

So you ask what have the 20w BC 240v 6400k CFLs (compact fluorescent light) done for you? These are full spectrum bulbs or as close as possible with artificial light.

compact fluorescent light full spectrum bulbs 20w

compact fluorescent light full spectrum bulbs 20w

compact fluorescent light full spectrum bulbs 20w

The colour is more realistic with both types of ‘Daylight’ bulbs. The white may be a little whiter with the CFL most likely due to the slightly brighter light output. With a little fiddling in Photoshop the end results would be better again.

I’m told the future is LED (Light-emitting diode (1960’s))’ (if they ever solve price issues) Well florescent have been around a long time (1927) & getting more cost effective & efficient. Clearly they won’t disappear without a fight.

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