


Graphic Designers – A top 5 of ‘Things we can do for you.’

3 Strategy for maximizing business • Start-Up! • Where to start?

Design & Promotion • Around the folds.

Identities • logotype • icons

Leaflets • flyers • publicity post


Brochure • magazine

Type about Town • Love Wexford

Published on: Nov 23, 2016

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Rowe Street Church, Church of the Immaculate Conception


To the right is the contemporary sticker promoting Wexford’s assets.

The identical Spires of the Twin Churches, Rowe Street & Bride Street are two of the defining structures of the Wexford Skyline.  Below the entrance step of both churches is a dedication to the Very Reverend James Roche PP, who organised the funding for the building of the two churches, created from pebbles collected from Rosslare Strand around 1858. The name of individual who pebbled the lettering is not known.

One consistent detail from both dedication is the heart over Wexford.

The combination of the heart shape and its use within the heart metaphor developed at the end of the Middle Ages. With possible early examples or direct predecessors in the 13th to 14th century, the familiar symbol of the heart representing love developed in the 15th century becoming popular in Europe during the 16th century.

The first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates to the 1250s. It occurs in a miniature decorating a capital ‘S’ in a manuscript of the French Roman de la poire

Granted I’ve taken the Heart Wexford out of context & there is another heart at the beginning of the dedication.

Though, I like to think, perhaps back in 1858 the author of these pieces held more than a casual fondness for the Town of Wexford..


I Love New York Designed by Milton Glaser 1977



Additional details in pebble: How many people have crossed the cobbles over the years & failed to notice the stone beneath their feet are more than texture preventing them from slipping at or in the front door of the church?
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Bride Street Church, Church of the Assumption.


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