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- Deirdre ní Dhubhghaill
2D Graphic Design
Bád Aeir
Tincone Lane
County Wexford
Phone +353 539 122 355
Skype: twodtypog - info@2dgraphicd.com
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- December 30, 2016 Published: 30 Dec 2016 Wow. Stuck for words Carrie Frances Fisher (October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016 Debbie Reynolds (April 1, 1932 – December 28, 2016 Debbie Reynolds “Good Morning” ~ Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Carrie Fisher Last clip from Star Wars (2016) ‘Rogue One’ Big Screen • As Famous last words go. These are a good one.
- August 9, 2016 • Published on: Aug 9, 2016 From time to time I produce a variety of Promotional Pieces for my business. This allows me to experiment with unusual folds, pop up techniques and paper engineering. Adapting Origami folds to conventional European print methods. Below are a few examples. • The Seasons greeting card looking to the future with an unfolding calendar for the coming year. • Square to the square. A square unfolding piece to promote my Typography skills and Graphic Design Business • A4 to Envelope: this promotional piece folded down to create it’s own envelope. A few years later a recipient of the original promotion. Requested I design her Wedding invitations based on the same folds. View the Invitations in more detail here ‘Paper – Wedding invitations & the kitchen sink’ • Bring your Red dot! An Exhibition invitation with folds based on, keeping a cardboard box closed without using tape. 2D (typo)Graphic Design Christmas promotional piece 1 PromoPiece 2DGraphicDesign 2D Graphic Design – Design on Origami Envelope folds Wedding Invitation, Design on Origami Envelope folds
- June 2, 2016 •• Published on: Jun 2, 2016 A blank sheet of paper. A common daily item with so much potential. Used by humans to make their mark since 2AD. Draw, print, paint, fold, cut, scratch and score just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to expression. More than 42 million years of natural selection have turned hummingbirds into some of the world’s most energetically efficient flyers, particularly when it comes to hovering in place. The artists below have combined paper & humming birds in these beautiful avian depictions. Beautiful Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls, Read more > . .
- March 31, 2016 Published: Mar 31, 2016
- September 24, 2015 •• Published on: Sep 24, 2015 Peter Dahmen is a graphic designer from Germany. In the video you see some pop-up sculptures he created. Much of his pop up sculptures are designed to be single, unique pieces. View more on his website at www.peterdahmen.de Six Amazing Pop-Up Paper Sculptures by Peter Dahmen Papierdesign Five Awesome Pop-Up Paper Sculptures by Peter Dahmen Papierdesign
- February 9, 2014 •• Published: Feb 9, 2014 . 2D TypoGraphic Design made our Wexford start up from Ferrybank and now 2D Graphic Design is back in Ferrybank this time across the lane. You’ll find 2D Graphic Design at Bád Aeir (flying boat). We design, Identities, Leaflets to Brochure, Annual reports to Magazine and Book lay out, Advertising for the print media, producing print ready artwork and supplying the printer. Website design, skins, graphics and info-graphics for Social media. We host and maintain websites and can manage your Facebook pages. @D Graphic Design provide a full Graphic Design service. We have 18 years experience working with individuals and business of all sizes and experience. From were thinking of starting an enterprise, start ups, small, medium and large enterprise, in areas of the arts, crafts, retail, services, manufacturing, charitable organisations and large business. If you need to promote your busies, enterprise or endeavour contact us or give us a call by Phone: 053 91 223 55, Skype: twodtypog . . As children we played with and amongst the remaining artefacts of the 1918 US Naval Air Station, much disguised or destroyed by our homes. Today if you know where to look there are still remains. a pole mount for the station wind sock, beside the monument on the hill at Wexford Municipal pool. The Boat/ Plane slip across from Ferrybank Motors was built by the Americans. Their massive hangers once occupied the area where O’Rourkes car show rooms and garage occupy today. . . The Air station began under the remit of the British Secret Service. due to post 1916 activity it was necessary to keep existence of the bases possible existence a secret. Due to food shortages and those of raw materials, created by U Boat blockage of Southern approaches off the County Wexford Coast, the British Admirality decided to establish a ...
- May 29, 2013 •• Published: May 29, 2013 Early one morning, I found threee empty toilet roll cardboards waiting for their departure to recycling. Why the collection? I’ve no idea, they just hadn’t got there yet. For Junior Fritz Jaquet these simple rolls of cardboard are art in the making. People to be precise, hoards of little people. Experimenting with folding, creasing and twisting. The pieces are afterwards coated with shellac and different pigments. Creating origami sculptures, with inner toilet tubes and folding them into expressive faces, each distinct and charming despite their humble origins. Junior Fritz Jaquet also creates a selection of Illuminated sculptures using a sheet of glassine paper, folded in half and closed with hidden, transparent pressure buttons (snap fasteners).
- October 12, 2012 Published: Oct 12, 2012 Paper is potential, curiosity, beauty. The texture, aroma, colour can evoke a mood, a memory, give an impression. Jeff Nishinaka demonstrates this through his 3D pieces. “We could choose any type of medium, like matchsticks, nails and clay. I chose paper and made a fish sculpture – it was an ‘ah-ha!’ moment for me. After that I quickly developed a feel for working with paper. I began experimenting with different papers, finding ways to shape, bend, and round edges on it.” Jeff Nishinaka. Paper to Jeff is a living, breathing thing that has a life of its own. You can see more of his amazing work on his website. See more of Jeffs work here popgive.com/2010/07/paper-sculpture here udayfun.blogspot.ie/2010/07/paper-sculpture & here designswan.com/archives/amazing-3d-paper-sculpture-by-jeff-nishinaka
- May 18, 2012 Christmas cards, Wedding/ event invitations, Mass booklets. The circle of life. Seasons Greetings 2009 card and calendar. When the reader opens the card they reveal the calendar. It’s a Christmas Card – Preparation It’s a Christmas card- Printing 123 It’s a Christmas Card- Print variations Merry Christmas 2011- Cards Exhibition invitation at Woodville house during the Wexford Opera festival. Posters, brochure and invitation shared the cover image & layput in common. Original directions/ map concept by Oisin O’Connell.
- June 23, 2011 At the end of 2009 I found an examaple of stop animation, paper sculpture used by the New Zealand Book Council to promote the virtues of reading books, see here. Today I came across the JK Rowling announcement of the upcoming website ‘Pottermore’. As part of the promotion we are given the treat of Harry Potter themed paper sculpture, animation. .
- December 7, 2009 There was a time when an invitation was an invitation occasionally with a rsvp card. Today a Wedding invitation may include an itinerary, accommodation details, a map and an assortment of other details. The invitation in various parts The invitation Like this ? Though the invitation included more than an invitation it is necessary to insure that each part was distinct form the other parts while retaining over all uniformity. Information needed to be clearly defined and easy to read. As a short print run and produced in house this gave us the opportunity to play with the paper. In this instance a selection of FEDRIGONI, Sirio Pearl, Polar Dawn purchased from Paper Assist & an off white Conquer laid.
- December 2, 2009 •• Published: Dec 2, 2009 Film for NZ Book Council Produced by Colenso BBDO Animated by Andersen M Studio Stop motion animation combined with paper sculpture. Visually beautiful & evocative of the piece being read.