- Identities • logotype • icons
- HTML email signatures
- Occasions • Cards & invitations
- Posters & Banners
- Adverts • Newspaper, Magazine
- Leaflets • flyers • publicity post
- Packaging
- Brochure • magazine
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- Deirdre ní Dhubhghaill
2D Graphic Design
Bád Aeir
Tincone Lane
County Wexford
Phone +353 539 122 355
Skype: twodtypog - info@2dgraphicd.com
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On My Design
- December 30, 2016 Published: 30 Dec 2016 Wow. Stuck for words Carrie Frances Fisher (October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016 Debbie Reynolds (April 1, 1932 – December 28, 2016 Debbie Reynolds “Good Morning” ~ Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Carrie Fisher Last clip from Star Wars (2016) ‘Rogue One’ Big Screen • As Famous last words go. These are a good one.
- September 29, 2016 •• Published on: Sep 29, 2016 The brief was clear: John Ironside, Photographer wanted an identity that reflected the joy in the surprise of discovery of something special within the photographs he sold on his new product website. imageserendipity.com. Beauty in the detail. The best solution was a typographic approach. I looked briefly at a hand drawn solution. As I drew I recognised a typeface forming. Bodini originally designed by Giambattista Bodoni in the late eighteenth century, subtly evolving with technology while retaining it’s timeless qualities & readability. I rearranged the lettering in the manner of speaking the word, Ser en dip ity. Emphasising the various syllables. Grouping and altering the size of the letters to enhance the expression. An excersise in creating a visual sound. The alignment of the word image shouldn’t overshadow serendipity, yet needed to be readable. The logo designed a surprise touch of colour applied to the dot of the i in image and the logo was complete. The logo designed and colour applied the identity was required to work on & offline. A number of formats were required for output. A Red, Green, Blue (RGB) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) version to allow colour accuracy & that the image would have a transparent background where required online. Also an RGB JPEG version was made available for the web. For use on Business cards and commercial print products the image serendipity logotype was output as a CYMK (4 colour, Cyan, Yellow, Magenta & Black) outline EPS (Encapsulated Post Script). The logo was applied to Johns new website, Facebook, twitter and his various online presence. A set of business cards have been printed.
- August 9, 2016 • Published on: Aug 9, 2016 From time to time I produce a variety of Promotional Pieces for my business. This allows me to experiment with unusual folds, pop up techniques and paper engineering. Adapting Origami folds to conventional European print methods. Below are a few examples. • The Seasons greeting card looking to the future with an unfolding calendar for the coming year. • Square to the square. A square unfolding piece to promote my Typography skills and Graphic Design Business • A4 to Envelope: this promotional piece folded down to create it’s own envelope. A few years later a recipient of the original promotion. Requested I design her Wedding invitations based on the same folds. View the Invitations in more detail here ‘Paper – Wedding invitations & the kitchen sink’ • Bring your Red dot! An Exhibition invitation with folds based on, keeping a cardboard box closed without using tape. 2D (typo)Graphic Design Christmas promotional piece 1 PromoPiece 2DGraphicDesign 2D Graphic Design – Design on Origami Envelope folds Wedding Invitation, Design on Origami Envelope folds
- April 20, 2016 Published: Apr 20, 2012 Identity can refer to the logo but regularly include a business’ over all branding. A logotype (logo), or Symbol is the highly individual configuration of letters, words and or an image that represents an organisation, company, enterprise or individual. It reflects the business’ personality, products, ideals and the people behind them. When creating an identity, research and learning about your business is essential. What passions drive people to start up or develop their enterprise is one of the most enlightening and enjoyable parts of my job. It allows me to create an identity that is the most relevant to the business. An identity that will stand the test of time. Branding that you the customer will happily stand behind and share with everyone around you. Your mark, logotype, symbol will identify your business, organisation to your customer, clients, anyone who requires the goods or services you provide. Your identity will be of use and used across all media on and offline, in print, signage, wherever you need it to proudly proclaim your enterprise. Once your business, entity or organisation has the right logo/ symbol/ identity, capitalize on it. Make it their brand. Put it on everything that promotes your business, brochure, leaflets etc. include it in advertising. Use it proudly on your promotional material, on your website, on your stationary. Display it on your business cards a simple and essential business must. Your business identity is a large part of your brand. Use it. Contact Deirdre at 2D Graphic Design, we can bring your brand to the next level. We’d like a set of 12-16 icons, please? Part1
- October 20, 2015 Published on : Oct 22, 2015 It’s been awhile since I’ve exhibited some of my Wall Art. So I’m a bit excited about being part of this group exhibition ‘ROUND Opera Festival Exhibition’ @ 88 South Main Street, Wexford. Showing New, never before seen by you pieces. ‘ROUND Opera Festival Exhibition’ facebook.com/event The “Round” exhibition is an exhibition of works by 74 different Artists. That’s over 230 pieces. It was suggested submissions should be a maximum of 8 inches in diameter. Ceramics, Paintings, Prints, Photographs, Graphics, Watercolours, Pen & ink, Metalwork, Woodwork. All pieces priced up to €100 and below. The Exhibition will be open every day to the close of the Wexford Opera Festival 2015. I create with lettering, type and colour to explore the meaning of sayings, Irish proverbs and feelgood phrases. I try to share the beauty & expressiveness of type. Utilising Typograpy and print signage medium, Vynil, Perspex, FoamX. The photographs below do not do my pieces justice. Find your voice Medium: Clear Perspex, Screen Print Price €80 Find your voice & help Others find theirs. Creativity is thinking new things. Innovation is doing new things. Finding your voice requires you asking yourself variations of the following Questions What are you good at? What do you love doing? What need can you serve? What gives your life meaning & purpose? Cosúil le cupán tae Medium: Clear Perspex, Poly- FoamX, InkJet Price €80 Saol is cosúil le coupon tae, Tá sé ar fad i cones a dheannann tú é. Life is like a cup of tea. It’s all in how you make it. Shape circumstances don’t let them shape YOU. Few Irish people don’t love their cup of tea & many a wise word or truth has been shared in it’s drinking. Naturally comparisons, lessons and truisms have been drawn from the tea making process. In other words take responsibility for the things you do and how you feel about ...
- June 15, 2014 •• Published: Jun 15, 2014 The identities for Oaklands Lake and the management companies identity, New Ross Coarse Angling were created by 2D TypoGraphic Design in 1998 two years after our return to Wexford. The company and their enterprise were a start up. I took photos at the time designed their identities working with their management group. It’s great to come across their current promotional material, to see how far the facility has developed.
- February 9, 2014 •• Published: Feb 9, 2014 . 2D TypoGraphic Design made our Wexford start up from Ferrybank and now 2D Graphic Design is back in Ferrybank this time across the lane. You’ll find 2D Graphic Design at Bád Aeir (flying boat). We design, Identities, Leaflets to Brochure, Annual reports to Magazine and Book lay out, Advertising for the print media, producing print ready artwork and supplying the printer. Website design, skins, graphics and info-graphics for Social media. We host and maintain websites and can manage your Facebook pages. @D Graphic Design provide a full Graphic Design service. We have 18 years experience working with individuals and business of all sizes and experience. From were thinking of starting an enterprise, start ups, small, medium and large enterprise, in areas of the arts, crafts, retail, services, manufacturing, charitable organisations and large business. If you need to promote your busies, enterprise or endeavour contact us or give us a call by Phone: 053 91 223 55, Skype: twodtypog . . As children we played with and amongst the remaining artefacts of the 1918 US Naval Air Station, much disguised or destroyed by our homes. Today if you know where to look there are still remains. a pole mount for the station wind sock, beside the monument on the hill at Wexford Municipal pool. The Boat/ Plane slip across from Ferrybank Motors was built by the Americans. Their massive hangers once occupied the area where O’Rourkes car show rooms and garage occupy today. . . The Air station began under the remit of the British Secret Service. due to post 1916 activity it was necessary to keep existence of the bases possible existence a secret. Due to food shortages and those of raw materials, created by U Boat blockage of Southern approaches off the County Wexford Coast, the British Admirality decided to establish a ...
- September 25, 2012 Published: Sep 25, 2012 A customized email signature that compliments your business branding. Your signature can contain your contact information. Your identity or relevant images. Including links to your online media, facebook, twitter, linked in, pintrest etc. It’s important that your social media also reflects your business brand. This can be achieved with bespoke social media skins. Bebo, twitter to facebook. . . The Coach House | Tullowphelim | Tullow | Co.Carlow | IrelandM: +353 (0)87 9952489 | T: +353 (0)59 9152270 | F: +353 (0)59 9152275E: jemtextiles@eircom.net | W: www.jemtextiles.net jacintaedgemoody Jem Textiles See you at 100% Design – JEM TEXTILES stand L21 . . Deirdre ní Dhubhghaill Graphic Designer2D Graphic Design Bád Aeir, Tincone Ferrybank, Wexford Ireland 087 223 1186 twodtypog info@2dgraphicd.com www.2dgraphicdesign.ie deirdrenidhubhghaill 2DGraphicDesign 2DGraphicDesign Promotional material for business & individuals. Let’s talk! . . .
- May 18, 2012 Christmas cards, Wedding/ event invitations, Mass booklets. The circle of life. Seasons Greetings 2009 card and calendar. When the reader opens the card they reveal the calendar. It’s a Christmas Card – Preparation It’s a Christmas card- Printing 123 It’s a Christmas Card- Print variations Merry Christmas 2011- Cards Exhibition invitation at Woodville house during the Wexford Opera festival. Posters, brochure and invitation shared the cover image & layput in common. Original directions/ map concept by Oisin O’Connell.
- April 29, 2012 A poster has an split instant to share it’s message. The main message should be clear from a distance. The event, occasion or the important message to impart. What? Where? When? read from the other side of the room, in the shop window or on a wall in passing. The supplemental information can be obtained when the poster has done it’s job. The viewer has drawn closer to read the details. Article on exhibition Posters • Posters: exhibiting the exhibition. More articles on posters Posters ‘n’ doing the tourist thing.
- April 21, 2012 Advertising – Newspapers, Magazines etc.. The ‘less is more’ guideline is often the best approach for advertising. An advert should pack a visual punch. Text should be snappy and images clear. Contact information obvious.
- April 21, 2012 Promotional material is about keeping your name in front of your customer. Sharing with the world what your company or product can do for them and their people. Alan Doyle – School of Motoring >>> Flyers • the skys the limit
- April 19, 2012 In Ireland Transition Year (TY) (Idirbhlian) is an optional one-year school program that can be taken in the year after the Junior Certificate in secondary school. Those who take the extra year are given the opportunity to develop life skills. One such project is the Mini company endeavour. October of 2011 I was engaged as graphic designer by a group of 5 student entrepeneurs who wished to learn how to and produce a 32 page A4 magazine to sell to their peers, teachers, friends and family. Editor in Chief • Dervla Potter, Fashion • Megan McIntosh, Events • Cathy Wheeler, Sports • Chloe Thomas, Beauty • Saoirse Finnegan, of the Presentation Secondary School, Wexford. Their demographic was 12 to 18 year old teenagers, their families and friends. On a steady diet of young womens magazines such as Bella, Best and Now, etc.. Bright colourful, full of makeup and clothes advertising in the guise of informative articles. Articles on popular films, books advice and subjects of interest to the desired audience. The 5 students established their magazines audience needs through research, observation and conversation. They decided on the content of their magazine, sourced, photography, journalists and advertising. During our first consultation I was given the brief on what the team wanted from their magazine. We discussed the format, various forms of production and how to plan the content and the layout. To creating the foundation of a storyboard that later became a ‘mini’ version of the developing magazine. Making decisions on the overall look of the magazine. As content came in I received my instructions in various forms. Some of the editors provided written descriptions, others produced their ideas using ‘Word’ processing software, one voiced their desired layouts while I drew thumbnails of her ideas. Another cut & pasted layouts with notes on desired typefaces and swatches of colours to be used. Followed by ...
- January 20, 2012 Experience teacheth & so we find newer better ways of doing. Certainly Rapid Rail International discovered they could make their internationally safer climbing systems even safer. Celebrating the innovation and sharing developments with their customers they asked us to create a new brochure. To emphasize the innovations of their products. To work with or stand independently of the previous brochure. Again the piece was geared to both the UK and USA markets. The cover image immediately tells us the system is light, the race track with the towers on the horizon alludes to the speed of putting this climbing safety system in place. The inside cleanly explains the advantages of this climbing system. It’s ease of use. Portability and the various components that work together seamlessly. Highlighting RRI’s innovative ‘new’ and improved ‘S’ Flo grab & braking system. We altered our InfoGraphic created for the previous brochure to accommodate international markets. Photography by John Ironside Photography • JohnIronside.com Rapid Rail International • Safety Systems • RRiSafety.com
- November 20, 2011 Brochure created for John Ironside Photography to promote his upcoming book ‘Soul of Wexford’. A picture tells a thousand words and John Ironsides photographs share the history, present day and hints to the future of Wexford town & county. Buy the Book, ‘Soul of Wexford’ at Cornrcrake Publishing. ‘Soul of Wexford’ by John Ironside – Photographer Wexford Town and Estuary: a Photographic Project John Ironside, FRGS, Photographer ‘Mount Folly’, The Folly, Wexford, Ireland. Tel: +353 (0)53 9147714 Mobile: 086 8554890 Email: johnjohnironside.com www.johnironside.com
- July 10, 2010 The right images and typography make all the difference to a promotional piece. We work with experienced photographers, illustrators & artists. We have years of knowledge creating with image makers in all stages of their development. Every image tells a story. Seriously who in their right mind would consider ‘red high heels’ to climb an electricity tower. In a glance we recognise the message and enjoy the humour. Through out this piece the photography emphasises, the height of the towers, their dangers, their locations, beautifully, in ways words couldn’t. An infographic clearly shows the dangers of the old and advantages of the new innovative system. By the end of this brochure the customer/ viewer is aware of the products use, functions, features and advantages. The safest climbing equipment and systems for linesmen working on electricity towers and similar structures. 2D Graphic designs typography compliments the subject further enhancing the customers message. Their product is better, safer and here’s why! Design should never say, “Look at me.” It should always say, “Look at this.” — David Craib Photography by John Ironside, FRGS, Photographer ‘Mount Folly’, The Folly, Wexford, Ireland. Tel: +353 (0)53 9147714 Mobile: 086 8554890 Email: johnjohnironside.com www.johnironside.com
- February 9, 2010 The Lady said……. a set of 12 – 16 icon are required The design & production hours often entail at least the equivalent of two, three or more weeks work. Though those hours may be extended over many more weeks. This usually depends upon what other jobs a designer may have on and how quickly a customer responds with feedback. A set of icons for use on a mobile phone. Need to be clear in their meaning and will be required in small, smaller & smallest sizes. Icons for signage are larger and will need to accomodate various lighting conditions. They may need to be recognisable while the audience is moving. All icons must be clear in their meaning. Somtimes that meaning is specific to it’s context. Such as in a factory or a large institution. There are other contextual matters the designer must consider. Such as the viewers position of sight. An icon at ground level should look similar to the same icon on the ground or high on the side of a building. Now factors such as forshortening/ perspective/ distortion take effect. An icon at height in order to appear as the same at eye level has been drawn with some alterations. It is not a matter of just enlarging the icon. Yes we have seen this done & it looks odd. To read properly the top of an icon should be wider than the bottom. Widths vary from that at eye level beyond being larger. Perhaps you are familiar with the on street signage. The yield text painted on the road is long and thin. Because as we approach it in a car the human brain foreshortens the word. Another obvious example is the disabled wheelchair symbol have you wondered why in some parking spaces it’s long and thin while on ...
- December 15, 2009 Labels are a means of identification. A small scale form of advertising. Along with the overall packaging they both inform and entertain. The visual identity portrayed by the packaging conveying the nature of the product. Besides promoting the obvious contents packaging has a number of other roles. It must display stock taking identification such as barcode, including third party endorsements such as ‘bord bia’ or other relevant product industry related marks. Most importantly product information for you the consumer. Product contents, various guidelines, sometimes instructions of use and often a promotional message, fun fact and recently frequently QR codes to a website , online competition page or further information.
- March 15, 2008 Brochures, Newsletters, Magazines and Books. The cover must attract attention in a similar manner to a poster. It must persuade the potential customer to pick it up, flick through, and read further. The cover giving a hint of the contents. Introducing the style of the promotional piece. Brochure • Encouraging prospective funders to get involved in the production of John Ironsides book ‘Soul of Wexford’. Magazine • Transition year students mini company project. Inside Magazine – Transition Year Students Project – briefing & working with a designer • the magazine Brochure • Rapid Rail International upgraded products brochure • Get it, Got it, GOooo! – Brochure to go RRI Brochure • To introduce their great tower climbing safety system to their prospective customers • Great pictures make the words clearer
- March 9, 2008 Brochure for the Wexford Bottom Mussel Industry. The piece needed to clearly inform prospective funders about Wexford Harbour and developing, expanding facilities along the quays to accommodate the mussel industry. The layout displays the copy, photographs, infographics and technical illustrations in a manner that is easily read. Multi purpose wedding invitation >>>Paper – Wedding invitations & the kitchen sink Two leaflets, A3 leaflet folding to DL (1/3 A4)