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Is there anybody there? • memories • Loftus Hall on the Hook.

•• Published: Oct 29, 2015
1-Loftus Hall

As Children we attended the Vikings Bikers Rally at Loftus hall. There were hippies, hundreds of fantastically decorated, beautifully maintained motorcycles, bikers & obscure religious practitioners.

We all knew the history of Loftus Hall. It had 365 window panes one for every day of the year.

3-0 WPI-Stairs-Architecture

A tantalising glimpse of the wonderful Italian Staircase. During a trip around Loftus Hall, the architectural elements make it, well, worth your while. It was the 4th Marquess of Ely (descendant of the former Baron Loftus), who demolished/ extensively remodeled the old Hall and built the present house, in about 1870, in anticipation of a visit from Queen Victoria. the British Monarch never did visit.

We knew that 100’s of years before there had been a wild storm that brought a stranger to stay with the Tottenham Family. In 1766 while the Loftus family were away on business. Charles Tottenham, his wife and daughter, Anne, were taking care of the mansion. The young woman became quite enamoured of the charming stranger.

3-1 WPI- K11 meter (used to measure Electromagnetic fields)

WPI- K11 meter (Used to measure Electromagnetic fields)

We were told that during an evenings game of cards the daughter of the house dropped one. Upon reaching beneath the table to retrieve the wayward card she noticed their visitor had cloven feet. Discovered he rose through the ceiling. Making a hole that could never be repaired properly.

A number of Protestant clergymen apparently tried and failed to put a stop to the persistent poltergeist activity that occurred since the strangers visit. The family, who were themselves Protestants, eventually called on Father Thomas Broaders (a Catholic priest, who was also a tenant on the Loftus Hall estate) to exorcise the house.

3-2 WPI- GGephoneactivity

Geophone on a stairway, reputed to be the location where an apparition of a young nun was seen. A device used to measure vibration.

We knew that Lotus hall had also housed two Catholic religious orders. Loftus Hall was occupied by the Benedictines from 1917 to 1935, and by the Rossminians (Sisters of Providence ) from 1937 until 1983.

They purged the ghosts & evil from the house & it’s surrounds.

Apparently it didn’t stick.

3-3 WPI- untuned radio

An untuned radio

Loftus Hall with Wexford Paranormal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_T5OKE1Zwk • Uploaded on Jan 15, 2012

GA- banging

Ghost Adventures Loftus Hall •  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldW3CpxTTgU • Published on Feb 22, 2015

GA- help


Hooked on Loftus Hall by Emma Stafford. A descendant of tenants on the Loftus Hall Estate emmastafford1.wordpress.com


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