


Graphic Designers – A top 5 of ‘Things we can do for you.’

3 Strategy for maximizing business • Start-Up! • Where to start?

Design & Promotion • Around the folds.

Identities • logotype • icons

Leaflets • flyers • publicity post


Brochure • magazine

Flights of fancy in paper • Humming bird

•• Published on: Jun 2, 2016

A blank sheet of paper. A common daily item with so much potential. Used by humans to make their mark since 2AD. Draw, print, paint, fold, cut, scratch and score just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to expression.

More than 42 million years of natural selection have turned hummingbirds into some of the world’s most energetically efficient flyers, particularly when it comes to hovering in place.

The artists below have combined paper & humming birds in these beautiful avian depictions.

4-Cheong-ah Hwang - painstakingly-crafted-3d-paper-art.w654

Korean paper artist Cheong-ah Hwang who is currently based in Columbus, Ohio creates delicate paper sculptures that blur the line between 2D and 3D art using dimensional illusion. The paper is cut and layered to give the final object depth and form, but remains essentially a flat piece. You can see more of her new work including other paper illustrations over on Flickr.

5- David TRUONG-dt_workshop_relief_poster_hummingbird_4

David TRUONG – Paris, France After graduating in Visual Studies, Multimedias and Digital Arts, He was introduced to the possibilities paper could bring in term of creativity and trials. Fascinated by geometry and polygonal art. Portfolio

2- Calvin-Nicholls-paper-sculptures4

Calvin Nicholls opened his own freelance Graphic Design studio in north Toronto during 1981. His experiments with paper sculpture began in 1984 and before long paper sculpture played a dominant role in many design clients’ projects and campaigns. It was a matter of time before his life-long interest in art and wildlife combined.

His interest in monochromatics continues. Drawn people in to explore the work and to consider the medium. Although I have completed pieces in full colour I continue to experiment with the interaction of light and shadow on the surface of plain paper in off white or in multi-step grayscale equivalents. Website


2c- 17-3D-Paper-Sculptures 2a- Calvin Nicholls 2b- Calvin-Nicholls-paper-sculptures
Beautiful Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls, Read more >


1- Peter Callesen-humming-paper-art-illusi

Peter Callesen, Danish Artist, Starts from scratch using the blank white A4 paper sheet for my creations. He takes everyday A4 photocopy paper, a material that we are all able to relate to. At the same time the A4 paper sheet is neutral and open to fill with different meaning. The thin white paper gives the paper sculptures a frailty that underlines the tragic and romantic theme of my works.

The paper cut sculptures explore the probable and magical transformation of the flat sheet of paper into figures that expand into the space surrounding them. The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the possibility of escaping. A4 Arts



Zack McLaughlin is a London-based artist and sculptor who has created a series of beautiful bird sculptures from paper, clay, wire and wood. McLaughlin loves birds and his adoration for the natural world shines through in his amazingly lifelike work.

He made his first bird sculpture for his children’s book concept which was about a young boy who made a paper bird lantern which flew away. Being unable to visualize how to paint this, he decided to make it instead and has never looked back since. Paper & wooD

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