


Graphic Designers – A top 5 of ‘Things we can do for you.’

3 Strategy for maximizing business • Start-Up! • Where to start?

Design & Promotion • Around the folds.

Identities • logotype • icons

Leaflets • flyers • publicity post


Brochure • magazine

Cobblers ‘n’ Coopers, where would ya be goin? America!


Barack Obama’s Speech in College Green, Dublin, Ireland, May 23 2011

Barack Obama Ireland : http://youtu.be/ngwyKsUg9Ms

Catch the transcript here : US President Barack Obama’s speech at College Green, Dublin [UPDATED] via Business & Leadership


and a quick reminder of  JF Kennedys speech in 1963

John F. Kennedy in New Ross and Wexford, Ireland, June 27th 1963.


Cooper: Some one who makes wooden staved vessels bound with iron hoops such as buckets, churns, barrels

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